Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

EPS Consultants LLC through our data privacy statement or privacy policy, strive to keep you informed regarding the data we collect from you and how we collect, process, and utilize your data when providing our services to our clients in compliance to the Data Protection Act legislation.

We provide the following service to our clients:

  • General Recruitment
  • Executive Search
  • Contract Employees
  • Remote Staffing
  • Internship Programme

We collect information in order to provide our clients with potential candidates for their organizations. This information includes information such as:

  • Basic Personal Information
  • Full Name
  • Passport Number
  • Date of birth
  • Home address
  • Business address
  • Education history
  • Marital Status
  • Work experience
  • Photo
  • Home phone
  • Business phone
  • Mobile phone
  • E-mail address
  • Digital Identifiers
  • Cookies
  • Google Analytics
  • Use of Data

Personal information is collected upon engaging any of our services or from our clients through a contract of our service. We also review personal information made available through external service providers, such as, LinkedIn, Indeed, Jobsdb, Jobstreet, etc. Information can be collected through your job application with us via job boards and referrals, through your communication with us or our employees and through our clients in engaging our services.
Only authorized personnel has access to personal information we have in our possession, the exchange and transmission of which can be through facilitated email or hard copy. Moreover, personal information will be transferred to our clients with the consent of the party involved.

The data collected will be retained as long as it is relevant to the services that we provide upon it is no longer required due to any business purpose or upon request for removal. The destruction and disposal of your data will be physical copies will be shredded and digital information will be securely deleted.

Changes to Our Privacy Statement

EPS Consultants LLC may modify or amend this Privacy Statement from time to time to keep up with any changes in relevant laws and regulations applicable to us or how we collect, use, protect, store, share or dispose of your personal information. In the event of any changes, the relevant updates will be posted on EPS Consultants LLC website.